Our team, led by Hannah Szudrawski, has the tools and experience to assist no matter what your circumstances might be. Over the years Hannah has helped many clients get their affairs in order, giving them peace of mind. Wills, trusts, powers-of-attorney and living wills can all have a role to play in an estate plan tailored to your specific needs.
Hannah Szudrawski holds a B.Com LLB (UKZN), as well as a diploma in Deceased Estates Practice (UNISA). She joined Venns in 1996, was appointed a director in 2003, and has headed the Trustee Division since then.
In 2016 Hannah and Geoff Hayward (CA) were tasked with establishing Longbourne, the estates, trusts and tax unit of Venns Attorneys, to offer clients comprehensive legal and accounting expertise in this field.
Since 2016 Hannah and Geoff Hayward (CA) have focused on offering comprehensive trust and estate administration assistance, together with tax and accounting assistance, through the company Longbourne.
The Longbourne team also liaises with SARS and the Master’s office, to provide support for the services offered.